
Easter Egg-citement or so much more…

29th March 2024

At long last, the brighter nights are here and spring has finally sprung. But with these fresh changes, we are reminded of another celebration that is quickly approaching…

Easter is a season that signifies renewal. It typically begins after we have experienced many months of cold, dark, and wet mornings and now, as the colourful flowers begin to bloom and the chicks begin to hatch, we can rejoice in new birth.

But more than that, Easter is about renewal because, as nature around us springs into new life, we are reminded that we can too. In recent years, commercialism has replaced the occasion with chocolate bunnies, but whilst many spend the holidays desperately hunting for treasure eggs, the initial cause for celebration is harder to find.




The tradition of Easter eggs initially began to mark the end of the period of Lent, where foods such as eggs, meat and other rich food were avoided. An egg is also a similar shape to the stone in front of the tomb where Jesus lay, and eggs hatching can also represent the idea of new life. As we celebrate Easter, we remember that the stone is now rolled away and that Christ has risen, bringing new life on Easter Sunday. Friday is good because Sunday is coming.

As you are reading this, I wonder what the posture of your heart is this Easter. Of course, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a tasty chocolate egg to mark the occasion, but perhaps this year you wish to reflect more deeply on the reason for the season.

Whether a person of faith or not, we can all learn valuable lessons from the sacrifice and grace poured out by Christ on the cross; His death so that we might enter into newness of life (1 Peter 3:18). But if you know and believe this truth, you are called to action – to do likewise, and share the love to others that He has displayed to us. (Matthew 28:19-20).



The Trussell Trust, the overarching body of which many UK foodbanks are a part of, was initially established on this same principle – showing kindness to others in response to the love we have been shown from Christ. Paddy Henderson, who founded the first foodbank in Salisbury, took inspiration from these verses:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink… Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

(Matthew 25:35, 40)

In a similar way, every day we at Lisburn Foodbank try to embody the same character, showing love to our neighbours and giving to people who are in need. But we couldn’t do it without the support of the hundreds of you who give of your time, skills, and donations to work towards the greater cause – ending the need for Foodbanks.


If you share this vision and are currently a member in a local church, we would love you to consider supporting us further in a newly established volunteer role.

Churches are rooted in their communities and connected to structures involved in social change. As a result, a Church Ambassador will empower their church to be involved in the Trussell Trust’s movement for change, encouraging support, inspiring a voice, and building a community.

If you are interested in getting involved and are passionate about living out the calling of Micah 6:8, please email us as we would love to hear from you.

But to summarise, as you read this, I don’t know what you feel Easter means to you. Maybe it is an important religious celebration, maybe it is a chance to wind down and enjoy some time with family, or maybe it is simply an excuse to overindulge on chocolate. Whatever its connotations, I wish you a joyful, encouraging time of renewal as we celebrate this beautiful season.

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