Contact Us

Please use the form below to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help from the foodbank the quickest way to reach us is by telephone. We can then direct you to the most appropriate agency to give you a foodbank voucher.

Please include your full name and a telephone number in your message and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Call our local helpline

If you are in financial crisis and live in Northern Ireland, please call 0800 915 4604 for free (open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm) to talk confidentially with a trained Advice NI adviser. They can help address your crises and provide support to maximise your income, help you navigate the benefits system, and identify any additional grants you could be entitled to. The advisers can also provide specialist debt and budgeting advice to people calling the line. If needed, they’ll issue you with a voucher so you can get an emergency food parcel from your local food bank.

Email us

Contact details

Phone us

07756 965868

Lisburn Foodbank provides emergency food and support to people in crisis, through our referral agents.

The kettle is always on and we have time to listen, arrange for other professional help and advice including counselling, advocacy, debt advice, budgeting, and housing support – all within a friendly, relaxing environment.

1-3 Graham Gardens
BT28 1XE

Directions via Google Maps