Are you ready to support us to Keep the Lifeline?
12th August 2021
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We need your help to spread the word. The UK government is planning to cut #UniversalCredit by £20 a week this October – for some families, this will mean suddenly losing up to a fifth of their income.
Last year the food banks in our network gave out 2.5 million parcels & we’re concerned this cut will mean even more people in the UK will need a food bank later this year. More than a million people say they are very likely to need a food bank if this cut goes ahead.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. If we act together now and show the government we want them to choose to #KeepTheLifeline, we can change it. Please take five minutes to write to your local MP to ask them to help #KeepTheLifeline & tag a friend in the comments to ask them to do the same >